Recruiting Native English Teachers of College of Humanities

College of Humanities invites applications for a full-time Lecturer position in English language teaching.

1. PostFull time native English teachers.

2. Job Requirements

2.1 The English teacher should be native speaker of related teaching courses.

2.2 Bachelor’s degree or higher is needed.

2.3 Less than 50 years old, sound in body and mind, good team working spirit and love teaching work.

2.4 Comply with laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, and the foreign teacher should have no legal dispute and no criminal record in his/her original residence (providing official certification).

2.5 Having related working experiences for over 2 years or providing TESOL certificate.

3. Job Descriptions

3.1 Working Place: College of Humanities, Sichuan Agricultural University, 46 Xinkang Road, Ya’an, P. R. China.

3.2 Working Task: Oral English and other speaking/writing-related English proficiency classes for undergraduate English majors and double degree in English, 16-20 teaching hours a week.

3.3 Working Time: Weekdays, sometimes weekends.

4. Salary and Benefits

4.1 A monthly salary ranges from 12000 to 14000 RMB (before tax), commensurate with educational background and teaching experience.

4.2 The university will purchase commercial medical insurance and accident insurance for the English teachers.

4.3 The university will provide campus apartment (The English teacher who lives off campus will get 2000 RMB per month as renting allowance).

4.4 After the completion of the contract for the first time, Sichuan Agricultural University will reimburse the foreign teachers for the most direct route of international round-trip air tickets (economy class only). After completing the contract each year, the renewed experts can receive an international travel subsidy of RMB 3,000 / year (from Asian countries and regions) or RMB 5,000 / year (from other countries and regions).

5. Contact Information

If you are interested in the English language teacher work, and want to know more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Applications should include curriculum vitae, degree and related certificate(s), and a recent photo.

Contact Person: Miss Gou Lulu

TEL: +86 (0835) 2882566


Address: College of Humanities, Sichuan Agricultural University, 46 Xinkang Road, Ya’an, P. R. China.

Consideration of applications will begin on July 15, 2020, and continue until the position is filled. Recommendation is greatly appreciated.


College of Humanities, Sichuan Agricultural University

Ya'an Campus No.46, Xinkang Road, Yucheng District, Ya'an City | Postcode: 625014 | Tel: 0835-2882232 | Fax: 0835-2883153