Announcement on Further Strengthening the Traffic Management on Campus

作者: 时间:2024年05月11日 09:53 点击数:

     In order to further strengthen the traffic management on campus, reduce and eliminate security risks, ensure the safety of teachers and students, and create a safe and orderly campus environment, the announcement is as follows:

    1. In accordance with the principle of "strictly control the increment and reduce the quantity on hand", to regulate the entry, driving and parking of motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles on campus.Promote the use of bicycles and shared electric vehicles, and restrict the use of motorcycles with large displacement above 150cc or modified motorcycles.

    2.Vehicles entering the campus must follow traffic signs, drive in a civilized manner, yield to pedestrians, and must not exceed 20 kilometers per hour.

It is strictly forbidden for electric vehicles and other types of vehicles to carry people illegally, playing, speed racing, and looking at mobile phones while riding.

    Q: Can I ride an electric vehicle after drinking? Will I be punished if I ride an electric vehicle after drinking?

     A:Not only electric bicycles, but also bicycles, tricycles and so on are not allowed to drink and drive. According to the Road traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and Its Implementing Regulations, driving bicycles, tricycles, electric bicycles and motorized wheelchairs for the disabled on the road shall not be drunk driving, and violators will be punished; In the event of a traffic accident, the perpetrators will also bear the corresponding legal responsibility.)

    3. Electric vehicles on campus must be registered within the deadline.Unlicensed electric vehicles are inconvenient to manage and with great safety risks.Unlicensed electric vehicles on campus must apply for registration at the local traffic management department before June 30, 2024. From July 1, all unlicensed electric vehicles will not be allowed to enter the campus.The Security Department will centrally clean up unlicensed electric vehicles and “zombie cars” on campus.

    4.Regulate electric vehicle charging on campus. According to the latest "Guidelines for the Safety Management of Electric Vehicles on Campus in Colleges and Universities",charging of electric vehicles can only be carried out in charging facilities that have been retained after safety assessment.It is strictly prohibited to charge electric vehicles or bring batteries into the room, privately pulling the wire and otherviolations. Once found, the security department will temporarily confiscate the charging power supply and vehicle. Off-campus housing is also not allowed to charge the electric vehicles in the house or privately pull the wire to charge, those who cause personal and property losses due to violations will bear the corresponding legal responsibilities: If an electric vehicle causes a fire to the person or property of others, the owner shall bear civil liabilities such as compensation for the loss; If a fire is caused by the negligence of the owner and serious consequences are caused, it may also constitute a crime (Crime of negligently causing a fire).

    5.Regulate the parking of all types of vehicles on campus.All vehicles must be parked in the parking point, shall not occupy the fire fighting access, shall not obstruct the road traffic. It is strictly prohibited to park bicycles and electric vehicles in elevators, lobbies, stairwells, evacuation exits, emergency exits, etc.From the date of this notice, the Security Department will take necessary measures to dispose of vehiclesthat do not park in accordance with the regulations, such as locking, clearing and transportation.

    6.From the date of this notice, the Security Department will copy the license plates of illegal driving and parked motor vehicles.The vehicle that violates the law for the first time will have its license plate copied and a warning notice placed on the vehicle; The vehicle whose license plate is copied for the second time in a year will be exposed in the campus website with the license plate number, the owner's surname, and the department where they work, and the department is assigned to educate and help them;If the license plate is copied for the third time within a year, the access permission of the vehicle will be cancelled for six months.

Hereby inform.

Ya'an Campus No.46, Xinkang Road, Yucheng District, Ya'an City | Postcode: 625014 | Tel: 0835-2882232 | Fax: 0835-2883153